This article outlines how to add users (clinic staff) to your clinic portal.
Note: This is only available for clinic Admins. If you are a staff member seeking access, please contact your clinic's Administrator. If you are unsure who your Admin is, please contact the EngagedMD team.
1. Navigate to the "Admin" tab on the left-hand sidebar
3. Select the "Users" subtab
4. Click "Add New User".
5. Fill out the User information - First Name, Last Name, NPI (Optional), Email, Phone (Optional), Admin, Role.
EngagedMD User Permissions:
- Doctor: includes MDs, NPs, PAs, and other advanced practice providers
- Staff: can add patients, assign content, and review/approve forms.
- Clinical Reviewer: a specialized role for reviewing and approving forms. If used, regular staff cannot review/approve forms.
- Admin: can add new staff/providers and edit/configure forms and bundles
If the staff member should be a Clinical Reviewer, contact the EngagedMD team to update that status.
Toggle on Admin if this user should be an Administrator. Administrators have full access to manage Users, Manage Org Info (Branding), add and edit forms, and add and edit Bundles.
6. Select "Save".
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