This article outlines how to assign Bundles to patients. Bundles can be assigned from an Episode of Care or the patient record.
1. Navigate to the patient record by utilizing the search bar at the top of the homepage or through "All Patients". Refer to our guide on patient information if needed.
2. Click the “Add Assignment” button.
Note: If the patient only has one episode, Modules will be assigned to that episode automatically. If the patient has multiple episodes, choose the appropriate one and click "Confirm".
3. Navigate to the "Bundles" tab
4. Select the Bundle(s) you'd like to assign and click the preview icon to confirm the “Bundle Details”.
5. Click “Next” to go the “Assignment Settings” page. On the left-hand side of the "Assignment Settings" page, choose required settings for the care team and signers.
“Select a Doctor” - Choose the provider associated with the patient's care, if one is not chosen. Required field.
“Select Signers” - Choose the signer(s) that fit the prescribed role. Required field.
6. On the right side of the “Assignment Settings” page under “Edit Assignments”, additional settings can be made such as select participants, due date, and authentication by clicking on the Bundle assignment.
Patient Participants - By default, all patients will be assigned the module(s). Choose which patients should not be assigned the module by deselecting their initials icon.
Due Date - The date in which the assignment is due. The default is 2 weeks from today. Keep the default, choose a custom date or None. None. If your clinic has Due Date specific emails activated, they will fire based on the date chosen.
For forms only: Authentication - Choose between one of the three options. The default selection depends on the Admin settings of your clinic.
- IDV: Prompts the signer to have their government-issued IDs validated and the name on the form checked prior to accessing the form.
- SMS: Prompts the signer to input a code sent to their phone number prior to accessing the form.
- None: Email-based authentication.
7. Click "Assign".
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