ID verification (IDV) is a process requesting form signers to verify their identity with government issued identification before being able to sign the form. This is typically made a requirement for forms that involve high level of trust and therefore the send of the Sign forms add a level of authentication to the form when assigning to it.
Clinics can use EngagedMD's eSign product with IDV functionality to automatically verify patient and partner IDs prior to them signing a form.
What do I do?
When assigning a form to a patient, the authentication can be set to “IDV” (ID Verification) within “Assignment Settings”. To set the ID verification, follow the steps below:
- Select “IDV” under the “Authentication type” drop down. The authentication should be set prior to clicking “Assign”.
IDV can also be set on form assignments that are part of bundles. If the IDV is on one form within the bundle, it will apply to the combined envelope.
Confirm the IDV settings your clinic has for when the signer authenticates, number of authentication attempts per signer, and signer name variation tolerance with the EngagedMD team.
For questions or concerns, contact